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SOLSTICE Yes! It Really is the New Beginning

Writer's picture: Jennifer Ashira RaJennifer Ashira Ra

Updated: Dec 25, 2024


Solstice, is the incredibly potent High Holy day celebrated in the ancient Temples throughout time, crests on December 21 at 1:21 am PT | 4:21 am ET.

This Capricorn Solstice is in the earth sign of mastery, structure, discipline and wealth.

So, while most of us are sleeping this deepest point of stillness, Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere,the shortest day of sunlight in the year. Summer Solstice In the Southern Hemoisphere, is the longest day of sunlight. Are activating the Rebirth and Expansion codes within you.

The stillness, the void, is the creation womb of light.

The Solstice Codes will be felt for the next 3 months.

This Solstice is divinely powerful, as we are aligning to the galactic center. On Dec 18th, it went direct at 27 degrees Sagittarius. Amplifying the birth and expansion of the new planetary energies, new timelines and releasing what no longer served you in 2024.

Solstice is setting up your sovereign re-connection with your Galactic star origins.

This Solstice is all about Rebirth & Expansion.

Expanding your New Timelines & the 2025 Sourcelight energies.

We are already in the chrysalis of the great awakening evolution,

our own and humanity's transformation.

I invite you to, Immerse in the stillness of the deep spaciousness of Solstice.

As you plant your seed and vision for the new year.

This solstice with the Sun at 0 degrees Capricorn, is the numerology of Rebirth.

The Sun is also direct the nodal axis of Aries and Libra. T-square on the world’s axis. Making this Solstice an important choice point for you and the collective.

Solstice is asking you…

Are you standing in Love or Fear?

Flow or Control?

Trust or Doubt?

Old paradigm Piscean Age or New Golden Aquarian Age?

This is the choice you are making in every moment and the choice humanity is deciding within the greater collective energy.

Solstice is the big Initiation.

During Solstice, you are expanding the new Source Codes of Creation and timelines that we activated and gridded on the

12:12 Portal Initiation.

The Solstice is also a 3:3 encoded numerology portal gateway.

Activating the trinity codes of creation and expanding the dark into light.

The Solstice Initiation Codes, are opening you to the truth and freedom with maverick Uranus in earth sign Taurus and Jupiter & Saturn opposing the Moon.


Power shifting to the collective, new intelligence discoveries, expansion of the new timelines, and unlike anything before, the Birth of the New Eden.

Living in joy, gratitude, love, bliss and freedom

brings you into closer alignment with the new lightbody you are becoming

and new frequency codes of the New Golden Age.

This is big, you are changing the future with your embodied consciousness!

I invite you to deepen your connection within,

in the stillness of Solstice’s sacred portal of endings and beginnings....



  1. Cleanse Your Home with burning sage, palo santo or incense. Hold the intention of unconditional love and removing any density and lower energies. Setting your luminous intention that any energy that is out of alignment with your highest divine good is released and removed.

  1. Create Stillness and enter the deep quiet void, to birth your vision and magnetize what you are calling in for 2025. With meditation, dance, movement. and all that deeply centers you. Open to the vision of any new paths, events or direction emerging within you at the Solstice power gateway.

  1. Place Your Crystals on the Earth, during the Solstice gateway, aligning with the Capricorn earth energies and clearing the past to now, open to the New. Holding the crystals afterwards, in your left hand to connect and be in union with your embodied Divine Feminine and mama Gaia Sophia.

Join with me in the Temple for the first super divine events of 2025!

JAN 9th - 2025 Visioning Temple click here

JAN 15th - LUMINOUS Masterclass Series ll- FLOW click here

I look forward to walking with you in the New Year.

And together,  living the highest new codes of our destiny!

All My Love <3


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