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The Diamond Light Codes and Their Purpose for Humanity

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

Did you know that divine light codes constantly surround us? The Diamond Light Codes have been flowing onto Earth since 2019, and it's part of a Divine Plan for the Awakening of the human self and Ascension of the human soul. The Diamond Light has now as ended into the Multi Dimensional Plasma crystal golden light. That is every crystal code including diamond , in this gal;axy. The most refined light -that comes in bands. And is easily integrated within the human body.

Diamond light has its purpose as a bridge actuation light source.

Making any for the higher photonics and plasma golden all crystal light that is activating the New Golden Age on Earth.

There are many Diamond Light Codes, all of which remind us of who we are on every spiritual, mental, and emotional level. The purpose of the Diamond Light Codes is to help us as individuals and as a collection of individuals remember the oneness, unity, and connection of each other.

We are entering a new era where Diamond Light Codes are important as the bridge to the Higher Light Codes to activate the New Golden Age on Earth, and in this blog from our Mastery Channel and New Age Leader, Jennifer Ashira Ra, will discuss:

  • Diamond Light Codes

  • The primary Diamond Light Codes

  • The purpose and function of each Diamond Light Code

Table of Contents:

  1. The Diamond Light Codes

  2. The Diamond Light Code in White

  3. The Golden Diamond Light Code

  4. The Diamond Light Code in Pink

  5. The Peach Diamond Light Code

  6. The Clear "Crystal" Diamond Light Code

  7. The Diamond Light Code in Lavender

  8. The Blue Diamond Light Code

  9. The Green Diamond Light Code

  10. In Conclusion

The Primary Diamond Light Codes

The Diamond Light Codes transmit into Earth, grids, and us in the form of light waves carrying universal and cosmic information.

These Diamond Lights stream into our Universe to advance the ascension of every living thing, including us.

These codes of light flow into us and affect each individual differently based on our DNA and soul ancestry.

Please continue reading better to understand each Diamond Light Code and its purpose!

The Diamond Light Code in White

The White Diamond Light is the foundation of all Diamond Light Codes, and all the Diamond Lights begin with the White Light.

The White Diamond Light holds the codes of remembrance.

This White Light goes into Earth, Unity Grid, and can also transfer into each individual.

You can call on the White Diamond Light daily for up to 30 minutes.

The White Diamond Light arrived on Earth in March of 2019, and since October of 2021, is the only Diamond Light Code flowing back to Earth every day.

The Golden Diamond Light Code

The Golden Diamond Light Code carries healing and remembrance.

This Diamond Light Code goes into humans only.

It does not go forth into Earth or the Unity Grid.

You do not need to direct the Golden Diamond Light Code into your body; you only need to allow it to flow into you.

You can call on the Golden Diamond Light for up to 30 minutes daily.

The Golden Diamond Light Code arrived in September of 2019.

The Diamond Light Code in Pink

The Pink Diamond Light Code holds the codes of remembrance and all the support the physical human body needs during significant energy changes.

This Diamond Light does not go into grids or Earth, only into humans.

Like the White and Golden Diamond Light Codes, you can call on the Pink Diamond Light for up to 30 minutes daily.

The Pink Diamond Light Code arrived in December of 2019.

The Peach Diamond Light Code

The Diamond Light Code in peach carries the codes of alchemy transformation and remembrance.

This Diamond Light Code goes into grids, Earth, and humans.

The Peach Diamond Light arrived in April of 2021.

The Clear "Crystal" Diamond Light Code

This clear, or crystal, Diamond Light Code holds the codes of remembrance and the energies needed to achieve the greatest potential of the future.

The Clear Diamond Light does and can go into the grids, Earth, and humans.

This Crystal Clear Diamond Light arrived in June of 2020.

The Diamond Light Code in Lavender

This Lavender Diamond Light Code holds the codes of deep self-reflection, clarity, and remembrance.

The Diamond Light Code in Lavender is mainly used in Alchemy Gatherings and workshops.

It arrived in February of 202.

The Blue Diamond Light Code

This Diamond Light Code of Blue carries the codes of remembrance and of who you are as a living soul.

This Diamond Light Code can be seen in Light or Dark Blues.

The Blue Diamond Light Code is the Diamond Light of Divinity; your own soul's Divinity.

Most of the time, this Blue Diamond Light only comes through as a thin thread.

It is very powerful and used mainly during Gatherings and workshops.

The Diamond Light Code in Blue arrived in April of 2020.

The Green Diamond Light Code

The Diamond Light Code in Green holds the codes of remembrance and energies needed for earthly purification and clearing.

This Light Code only goes into Earth during times of emergency.

The Green Diamond Light arrived in February of 2021.

In Conclusion

The Diamond Light Codes are a powerful tool that can help you to access your higher self, connect with your guides, and receive messages from the Universe.

By understanding the meaning of each Diamond Light Code, you can use them to support your spiritual journey.

We hope you have found this information helpful and that it ignites your curiosity about these codes and their potential for personal growth and transformation.

Do you wish to learn more about Diamond Light Codes?

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