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Writer's picture: Jennifer Ashira RaJennifer Ashira Ra

This is for you if you want to ...

  • U N L O C K your Full Sacred Potential

  • L I V E Your Soul's Calling & Do What you Love

  • FULLY Embody the best version of yourself

  • CREATE more Abundance in everything that you do

IMAGINE what your life would be like if you had the tools, coaching and support to create the financial abundance and joy for your soul path and life that you envision.

Had the confidence, clarity and joy to fully stand in your truth and share your message with the world as a sought after coach, guide and wayshower.

Let me show you how.

I have helped 1000’s activate their highest life path + soul destiny.

There are 4 proven ways you can create this within your life.

The New Divine Leaders of New Earth are being called to step forward now.

The 2nd Advanced wave of Ascension has opened. The new wisdoms, codes and frequencies now activated on the planet are calling for New Leadership.

At the dawn of every New Age of a Higher Consciousness

the Feminine is called to the front to lead.

Do you feel a call within you to step up into your next level?

An inner knowing and voice that you can no longer ignore?

You are not alone.

Here are the 4 Ways to Create More Confidence and Abundance

as a New Divine Feminine Leader for the

New Golden Age on Earth.

1. LIVE YOUR PURPOSE Are you in a 9 to 5 job undervalued and underpaid . Doing your soul passion in your free time, are you sharing your soul gifts in a small way, for free and not really earning enough to do it full time yet or are you in a fulltime soul business and want to leave the 1:1 sessions and scale to go global and really share your message?

Which are You?

The thread that connects all of these stages of your ascension path is…

What is your prayer for those you are helping and in service to?

Tune in.

My purpose is to Activate Humanity;’s New Light Codes and Open the New Golden Age on Earth. I am very clear. And that clarity creates Confidence which then creates Joy in my field pulling all into me to support that knowing. This creates more Abundance. It’s the Quantum Law of Creation

So, what is your prayer for who you serve and help with your soul gifts?

This is Your Purpose. Write it down. I invite you to write it in your journal.


Want more Confidence? No longer playing small or not at all.

Want to Breakthrough all limiting beliefs, self doubt and being stuck?

And Do What you Love.

I have a question for you …

What do you love to do that lights you up,

you world do for free and when you are doing it you lose all track of time?

This is your Soul Gifts.

Your Sacred Creatrix Genius Soul Mastery.

You know you can do it + this creates a confidence that is true and deep.

Add this to your soul offerings or create from this space.This will create more confidence. Magnetize dream clients that feel your radiance. You will be more fulfilled, in alignment with your sacred power by doing what you love and follow your bliss.

3. WALK WITH YOUR SOULTRIBE COMMUNITY. It’s no longer the Hero’s Journey walking alone. That is the harder path of the Piscean age. Takes more time and much harder. When you surrounded yourself with like minded soultribe Community, you have support, create collaborations, feel seen and heard, can truly be yourself and amplify your Souls ascension by 10x. Community creates more Community.

The results and testimonials after testimonial I receive within our community are so amazing. Next level breakthroughs, new downloads coming in for next level offerings and new signature programs, karmic healings, physical clearings, soul quantum upgrades and doors opening that had been previously very very closed and so much more…. How is this happening over and over?

Because they are consistently in high activated containers of light within our community gatherings. This creates an accelerated amplified field and the higher codes within you open and activate when in tune to this frequency. Opening your original soul codes, your sacred intentions for faster and immediate results.


Want to be a Sought after Coach + Guide and create more Abundance in everything you do? Imagine what your life would look like if you had the Tools, Training and Coaching to Create the Financial Freedom with your Soul Business and Sacred Gifts that you have envisioned.To have Clarity, Confidence and Abundance in everything that you do. Certification is the systems, tools and new codes that will open this next level on your path.

Finding the Modality and your soul gifts to share expands your services to. larger platform and sales up your business.

Do what you Love to Do, Live Your Purpose and Have the Certification Backing that gives you a Powerful Bio, Grows Your Authority , Initiate and activate Others and Magnetize repeat Dream Clients.

By becoming Certified - you create even more expansion and more abundance.

Setting you apart from the Rest.

This is your next level coming in - no longer waiting or the ordinary law of attraction. The Certified New Divine Feminine .Leaders create from the Quantum Field . Begin to affect fields and create from New Sources of Energy.

When you do what you love you activate your original codes and soul gifts within. By being in an Activated Container with other Leaders of Light you will open to your next quantum soul level faster and with permanent results.

Be supported by your Soultribe Community and Guided by those who have already walked the path of creating a 6 figure and 7 figure soul business.

By Becoming a Certified New Divine Feminine Leader You will...

  • Grow Your Authority

  • Be truly fulfilled by your sacred work

  • Be a Sought after Guide + Coach

  • Offer Next level Higher Ticket Offerings

  • Sets You Apart from the Rest

  • Iniitate, Transform + Activate Others

  • Create More Abundance

  • Have More Confidence by being Certified

This is a Choice Point for You. To step on a new path that takes you to where you want to be. Or keep making the same decisions and getting the same old results.

The New Divine Feminine Leaders are being called forward now.

Feel the Call.

We have the Community for you to walk with . Connect with us + take your place within the sacred circle of the New Leadership for New Earth.

The New Priestess Oracle Avatar Leader of the New Golden Age.

Live your Sacred calling, Unlock your Soul’s Full potential and Do what you came to the planet to do.

Become a Certified New Divine Feminine Leader and help lead humanity by creating the Soul Business and Path you know is calling you.

I look forward to walking with you.

Together, we are Opening the New Golden Age on Earth.

The New Divine Feminine Leaders of New earth are Gathering


Begins on Equinox March 20

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