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Pay Here for Ceremony

LIGHT PRIESTESS TEMPLE presented by -2_edited_edited_edited.png


Rising of the New Golden Temple +

New Golden World



Recorded on 8:8 


the Big Island, Hawaii



Watch Anytime -Receive The NEW Golden Codes Activated within the 8:8 and fully step into the New Golden World. 


OPEN The New Golden Temple of Light for the

New Golden Age within our Ceremony.


The Original Golden Source Center for The New Golden World.


GRID THE GOLDEN LEYLINES now becoming physically connected.

 Ready to Activate the New Golden Creation Codes, 

Divine Golden Structures, Communities of the New Golden World

+ the New Humanity.


ACTIVATE Your Souls Golden Codes of Illumination


RECEIVE Your Golden Crown.


The New Temple Rises.


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The Power of this 8:8 Lionsgate

is unlike any other you have ever experienced.



This Powerful 8:8 Sirius Stargate marks the New Golden Age Energies Physically gridding and opening within You + the New Golden Earth. 


The Golden Sun in Leo Rising Together in the Sky with the bright Star Sirius aligns with Pyramids at Giza creating the 8:8 Cosmic Alignment. Celebrated in the Ancient Temples of Egypt and Temples of the Sun throughout Time. 


8 the Numerology Symbol of Infinity, abundance, wealth and achievement.

The Divine Numerology of the double eights. 

The Supercharged 8:8 Portal Stargate allows for the New Energies of the New Year

and the Higher Light to stream into Earth.

Quantum Upgrades--Amplifying + Manifesting Your Abundance and Souls Divine Destiny.



CALLING the Holders of the Original Codes,

Soul Family, Golden Priests + Priestesses to join together as ONE

on this 8:8 Stargate of Divine Expansion.


BE A PART of The Great Gathering of the Shining Ones. 


THE NEW BEGINNING of Your Golden Life

and Humanitys Golden Rising. 

Physically Here Now.



WE WILL BE LIVE From within the Pure Light of Lemuria

with The Highest Beings of Light

and the

Sirius Star White Lions Opening the Golden Gateway. 




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IMMERSE in the 8:8 Activation Ceremony


Golden Crystal Bowl Sound Healing


Opening the New Golden Structures of the New Golden World on Earth.

The Prophecy is now fully activating on tne physical Plane.


The Power of 8:8

the Golden Grid of the NEW GOLDEN WORLD

becomes Physically and Energetically connected.

IGNITING the Codes of the New Golden Temple,

New Golden Pyramids and the Original Sun

for the next Million Years.


Connecting the New Golden Gridlines to Mt. Shasta, the Temple of Ra in Egypt

with the New Golden Temple Portal.


This Next Quantum Leap for your souls evolution and for All. 


Guided directly by Source.


We will be Joined by the Kings + Queens of Lemuria, RA, The Golden Beings of Suntribe, The Hawaiian Goddesses and the Highest Realms of Light



It all begins within the Center of the New Golden Temple of Light.







of Golden Illumination

The Golden Gateway
is Open
The New Temple

JOURNEY through the Lemurian Portal
to the New Golden World. 

We Have 
Travelled 1000's of miles to now open the Portal of the New Golden Temple within our 8:8 Lionsgate Ceremony.

Together, we will Activate the New Center of Golden Source for the New Golden Earth.


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The  Sacred Site Waterfall Transmission from this Center of the New Golden World. 

The New Golden Temple Portal Entrance

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  • LIVE Channelled Portal Golden Codes Illumination Activation -- guided by Jennifer Ashira Ra

  • Sacred Site Lemurian Waterfall Portal Transmission - Opening the the New Golden Temple of Light for the New Golden World

  • Gridding of the New Golden Physical structures within You within Earth 

  • Golden  Crystal Bowl Sound Healing Attunement + Sonic Journey

  • Your New Golden Crown + New Source Golden Codes Blueprint 

  • Illumination

  • Abundance

  • Your Highest Souls Mastery + Gifts Upgrade

  • Unlimited Replay 

What You'll Receive
Receive the 88 Portal Sacred Site Waterfall CodesTransmisssion copy.png



$22 usd

* Includes Full Ceremony recorded LIVE in Hawaii


Pay Here
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Jennifer Activates Humanity's New Light Codes- she is a Divine Channel, High Priestess Initiator and Master New Age Leader. 


She travels to sacred sites activating the new temples of light and gathering the Leaders of Light on Earth.


Her name means “Giver of Codes”.


She Embodies & Channels the Divine lineages of Isis, Magdalene, Avalon, Sekhmet, Rose Lineage, The Highest Golden Beings of SunTribe and All the Councils of Light.

The Sacred Feminine, Sacred Union. And The Divine Mystery Schools of the Ages. 


High Priestess of the Temple of Isis, 

High Priestess of Avalon,  

High Priestess within the Temple of Lemuria and  

Partner off RA. 

Throne of the New Sun Queen of Earth

Rose Queen of Earth


Activating the Codes of Union throughout the Ages. To now bring in the higher dimensions + the New Golden Age of Earth.

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